Much More Than Just a Haircut - Blue Tit Joins Refettorio Felix for the Afternoon

Megan Schiller

We were absolutely delighted to have some of the Blue Tit team join us during Lunch Service this week, who set up on the stage and gave out free hair cuts to our guests.

Christopher, Talia and Olivia volunteered their time and spent the afternoon with us, offering trims to the vulnerable adults who use our services.

For the large number of our guests who are rough sleeping, services like these are highly valued. What may be thought of as the simple act of a haircut can give someone a renewed sense of self-esteem and the confidence to persevere.

In many ways, a haircut is more than just a grooming service - it’s offering respect and dignity, something that marginalised individuals don’t often receive.

This is what we will always strive for through our work at Refettorio Felix.

Thank you to the Blue Tit team for being so gracious, respectful and generous with your time.

If you have a service that you think our guests would benefit from, please let us know by emailing

Photo credit: Megan Schiller


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