Donate in kind

We take imperfect or surplus products donated by a generous network of supporters and partners and transform them into delicious meals to feed our community. Our dishes demonstrate that even the most underestimated resources can hide great potential.

We rely on the kindness and generosity of our supporters who provide us with amazing donations of ingredients and products that help sustain our project. We’re particularly attracted to donations of surplus stock or in-date, leftover products because we see value in things that are overlooked and see the culture of waste in our society as an avoidable failure. If you’re a business or supplier interested in donating to us, please get in touch by emailing

Feeding and supporting up to 150 people each day means there are some vital supplies we’re constantly in need of. We always welcome any of the following:

  • Oil - of all kind and especially olive oil

  • Rice, grains & pulses

  • Pasta & noodles

  • Tinned & jarred goods - excluding baked beans

  • Condiments and sauces - especially vinegars, soy sauce, fish sauce & non-Western ingredients

  • Dry & long-life goods

  • Cocoa powder & baking chocolate

Please note that we can only accept new, unused items.

Other ways to help

There’s so much more going on at Refettorio Felix besides the food. If you can donate any of the below, we’d really appreciate the support!

  • Toiletries - soap, shower gel, toothbrushes, sanitary products, shampoo, hand sanitiser etc.

  • Office supplies - pens, folders, A4 printing paper

  • Arts & crafts supplies - pens, pencils, paper, paint paintbrushes etc.

Please note we can only accept new, unused toiletries.